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Are you frustrated with your Squarespace Website? Maybe it's time to consider Webflow

July 8, 2024

I get it, Squarespace is cheap and cheerful. There's nothing better (or easier) than getting a great-looking website up and out the door quickly. But many of my clients come to me from a Squarespace website that's no longer cutting it. As businesses grow and their needs become more complex, Squarespace can fall short (and in some cases, cost you more money).

Bring in our saving grace, Webflow—a platform that addresses these pain points and offers a more versatile and powerful solution for growing businesses. Here’s why switching from Squarespace to Webflow could be the right solution for your business.

A screenshot from Squarespace of their templates
Your template will be the same as thousands of others,

1. Hey, that site looks like my site...

While Squarespace is known for its user-friendly interface and beautiful templates, it's fairly limited when it comes to customising your site. Many of my clients often find themselves constrained by Squarespace's template structures and limited design flexibility. There's only so much you can do...

Why we recommend Webflow: We can do whatever we like! Webflow is unparalleled when it comes to design flexibility. Whatever your business needs, we can design and build. Everything we do is specifically styled to your brand, providing a custom website that looks like your business! Even better, as your business grows and changes (and it most certainly will), your Webflow website will be able to adapt and fit any changes.

2. Don't be boring with your animations

Squarespace’s capabilities for animations and interactions are pretty basic. This can be a massive limitation for businesses looking to create something special to stand out online.

Why we recommend Webflow: Guess what? We can do whatever we like! Webflow offers advanced interactions and animations that can be built easily without code. From scroll-based animations to complex, multi-step interactions, we can create engaging, interactive experiences that look fantastic but improve things like user engagement and form completion.

You can optimise your website for Google and SEO far easier in Webflow

3. The dreaded Google SEO

While Squarespace offers basic SEO tools, it lacks some fairly useful advanced features needed to properly optimise a website for search engines. This can hinder a business’s ability to improve its search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Why we recommend Webflow: Webflow provides thorough SEO controls directly within the platform. It allows for the customisation of meta titles, descriptions, URL slugs, and alt texts, as well as advanced features like schema markup and 301 redirects. Also, Webflow allows us to compress all images to work better online, this helps with loading times and clean code, which further please the almighty Google.

4. Wait, I have to redo this page again?! Enter a Content Management System

Squarespace’s CMS is user-friendly but pretty limited! Many businesses I deal with have multiple pages in Squarespace for team members, services, blogs, news, events and so on. They find it so time-consuming and complex to update and maintain all these separate pages. It becomes impossible to create complex content structures or to scale the website as your business needs grow.

Each section allows you to easily add content without creating new pages or coding

Why we recommend Webflow: Webflow’s CMS is fantastic! It's highly flexible and scalable and allows you to create custom content types and collections that can be tailored to your specific business needs. If you need a series of 50 pages for each service, no problem! We create a single template and change the content per page. This flexibility is crucial for businesses with dynamic content requirements or those looking to manage large amounts of content efficiently.

5. Let's keep things snappy! Scalability and performance

As your business grows, the performance and scalability of your website become critical. Squarespace’s infrastructure can sometimes struggle with handling high traffic volumes or complex functionality. Which isn't ideal if you lose a sale because your site isn't working properly.

Why we recommend Webflow: Webflow is built on a robust infrastructure designed for high performance and scalability. It uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Fastly for hosting, ensuring fast load times and reliable uptime. Webflow is an ideal choice for businesses expecting significant growth or high traffic volumes (and let's face it, we all want that!).

I know that switching from Squarespace to Webflow can be a daunting task, how much work is it? What will I lose? How much will it cost? For most businesses though, making the switch will be significantly cheaper in the long term. Most of our clients manage their websites by themselves, saving themselves time and money.

"It's so easy to use - it's made me realise how convoluted WordPress is!"
Hayley Routier, Reel Creative

If you’re over spending time and money managing your existing site on Squarespace, why not get in touch for a 15-minute consultation to see if we're a good fit and can help level up your website? Our clients have loved the move, we're sure you will too.

Ready to invest in your business’s future?

You’re not looking for just another website—you’re ready for a digital presence that grows with you. If that sounds like you, let’s talk.

Book my 15-minute consultation call